I am Josephine Colantonio. A Chicago local artist who was born In Monceliche, Italy. Daughter to an italian imigrant mother and 82nd airborne paratrooper father. Came to America at the young age of four and I have been makng art ever since JUST KIDDING i started within the last few years because i always sucked at it (this is how most success stories start right?). WELP in the art classes i took throughout middle school, highschool and college i failed. IRONIC huh? not really. it wasn't until four years ago that i found my style, my niche in art that i felt confident in and others found a liking to it so i figured why not? Fortunately enough i gained the courage to give it a try,a BIG one, so for the past three years i have hosted and curated my own art shows. Each show features a range of different artists and gives them the opportunity to feel what i felt when i witnessed someone going "WOW" at my work while i stand right next to them and they have no idea that i am the artist. As cliche as it may be, art gave me an outlet and art gave me a purpose. Some may look at my work and think "wow, that’s creepy" or "is everything ok?" but that's alright because its the people that come to me and explain how they found their emotions within my work that make it worth it. I have dealt with a number of traumas within my short 21 years of living and this was my way of coping, that is what mainly fuels my work. Too many emotions or lack there of, the purpose is simple.
i am a gothic themed artist making her way through creations derived from the emotional outlook of death in more meanings than one. I would like to say my work reaches out to the depths of ones subconciousness, opening up the viewer's eye to a variety of perspectives of emotions and how they are handled.
Well there ya have it, if you read all of that i appreciate you and i hope your here to buy some art because ya girls gotta pay rent.
ha even in writing i make things awkward
yours truly,